Jessica was in town last week- the kids were BEYOND excited. We wanted to take the train to Seattle to visit but we drug our feet and the train fare shot up to over $200 for the 4 of us... add in the hotel and food it was almost $500 just for one night. Abby talks about going there all the time. So we need to get on the stick and figure out another time. Too much time goes by between visits!

awww cute right?

No. He chewed my Pottery Barn table today. Ok it's just a table.... and the fact that it's Pottery Barn is not meant to sound like a snobby name-drop, we have truly been buying furniture at Ikea and Walmart because after having kids our furniture has been thrashed. i.e., stabbed with forks, rammed with plastic lawnmowers, vacuums, race cars, marked with sharpies, scratched with plastic, did I mention marked with sharpies? But this table is probably the ONE good piece of well-made furniture in the house so this one hurt a little. But...It's just a table.
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