Day 2- Tried to keep us all on Portland time we had a whale watching trip booked and had to be at the dock at 5:45am. Fabulous way to start the trip! We followed a whale for a bit and then found a mama and her baby- unbelievable! They also had a male escort and we got to hear him sing. Truly a great day. After that we ate a bigger breakfast on Front street, walked around and then hit Kapalua Beach. Wrapped up the day stopping at Maui Tacos for dinner. Sidenote- Abby sliced the bottom of her foot on one of Aidan's race cars the night before we left so we had to keep bandaids and neosporin on hand for that. When we got to the boat dock Aidan started crying about his foot- we took off his shoe and found 2 blisters so we basically had to carry him everywhere the entire week. We kept bandaids and socks on and he wore his water shoes but he was still hurting.

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