Saturday, February 6, 2010

Valentine's Part I

What a week! I've been cleaning, cooking, baking, laundry folding, running, and list making since early this morning and it feels soooooo good to sit down. Normally I spread out the house cleaning but I wanted to get it DONE in one day so I can have a day of rest of tomorrow. I need it cause.... I got 20 miles in this week. WOO HOO. Lots of 5am morning runs AND 3 days of running twice to get the extra miles in. No reason... just figured I was close so why stop at 16 when you can get 4 more in on a Saturday. Looking forward to Church and Super Bowl tomorrow.
Super Bowl = Pizza = No Cooking = Truly a Day of Rest :-)
We toured Horizon Christian and have another appt Monday to see the campus that is K through middle school and then most likely will go back that evening for open house. The high school is where the 'day school' is, mixed blend of kids ages 3-5 which is what we toured. Thursday I ended up leaving work at noon with a migraine that made me sick... came home and slept until 4:30. Friday leaving for work/school Abby somehow managed to fall out of the minivan and hit her head on Rick's car floor jack. Photo below.
Valentine's Day is a week away so we started early. Abby LOVES Valentine's Day so we made Red Velvet cupcakes and heart shaped cakes today. She also did her Valentine's cards for her class party on Friday.

Working in Valentine's

Cupcake time


Abby made Aidan a heart

I wonder if he ate one? He looks guilty

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