My worst fear in this storm came true- we lost power a few times today but it came back on. Around 1pm we lost it for 5 hours. I already had the candles out and ready and Rick had the flashlights ready. We have a gas fireplace so he turned that on with the remote. It wasn't able to blow air but after the temp dipped to 65 in the house it brought it back to 67. I had dinner in the crock pot so we lit the stove and I just finished it there. The kids had an absolute blast- loved the fireplace and the candles and the dark. It was actually fun- not that I would want it to happen again. I am low on candles and Rick was worried about the pond freezing.
I have to admit my heart is bursting. Tonight Abby said "What is God doing about the lights?" and later after the lights came on, "Did God turn the lights back on?" It just about makes me weep that this little 4 year old girl has her mind turned towards Him.
Cooking Dinner by Candlelight
Our stocking holders spell PEACE. Fitting.
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