Thursday, October 23, 2008

Field Trip

I paid $2.49 for gas today!! Abby's field trip to the pumpkin patch was good aside from the goats that decided to uh... get frisky with each other in front of the kids. Get a room! sheesh. Well it just so happens MY child, OUR child, was right next to them trying to pet one during the ordeal.

So in the car on the way there she says to me, "Mom if Morgan is there I want to sit by her and you can sit somewhere else." Ahhhh the old I don't want to be seen with mom phase- I didn't think this started until at least age 12???

Yes- these are the goats and NO I didn't get a picture of that if you are wondering

They made them wear these red shirts- hmmmm either free advertising or for safety purposes but it was hard to pick out your kid so I put a hat on mine

Bunny Pen

Morgan and Abby

Abby and Amelia

1 comment:

5guys&1lady said...

Luke went on his pumpkin patch field trip Friday and he wanted me to not ride the bus with him, so he could sit next to a girl..... in the back!!! No!! Not this soon!!