What a day! Here's our little girl in her school uniform. We all took Abby to school and then to the auto body place to drop off the van and get a rental car. Rick takes our car home with Aidan since it is the only car we have with car seats now. I take the rental car to work- of course it has NO gas and I am already late for work as it is. With missing work last week I was already a tad stressed. All in all it was a great day. Landscaping has started I posted a picture from yesterday as our 'before' photo and then today. Aidan isn't eating for some reason and has been unusually crabby and clingy. His nose is running off his face today- I don't know if he has a cold or if it's the MMR vaccine starting to kick in. After 10 days some part of the vaccine is supposed to kick in and they get cold-like symptoms. I remember Abby having the runny nose, a fever and then spots. I am praying he breezes through- I can't miss more work!
We are a blended family of six. We have two beautiful grown daughters and two little ones that keep us busy! We love football season, playing outdoors, the beach, and puttering around the house.
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