Monday, October 26, 2015

That was fast.

Well October came and went (almost). Our weeks continue to be filled with soccer (practice in the dark), gymnastics, flag football, tutoring and homework. My Aunt and Uncle from Hilo were in town we saw them for all of 5 minutes. Our baby girl had a birthday. We surprised her with some time at the barn and horse riding. My dad came to one of Aidan's games. We had a field trip to a local farm. Finally got a surgery date for hubby's shoulder so I'm trying to get a game plan for Christmas and attempt to have it all together  EARLY this year since my side kick is going to be out of commission. The sports schedule is tiring but I know I will miss it. Aidan declared he is officially retiring from soccer this year. Hubs and I still pass each other coming and going. Grateful for this little family.

Saturday, October 3, 2015


What a somber week with the school shooting in our state. An issue so close to our hearts and community right now...
Awards are given each month for the 'banner' theme. This month was showing initiative. Both of our kids got this award which was amazing considering the teachers do not confer with anyone. Had parent/teacher conferences this week. The same circus of sports and homework...
Aidan's soccer team is still undefeated. I think he's missing playing offense this year. Slept in a bit this morning (630) so we missed our workouts. We went on a family run before dinner instead to get a little something in.