Saturday, February 28, 2015


Yeah. Aidan went from a nasty cold to the tummy bug this week. NOT FUN.
Feel like I'm still trying to get my bearings. Definitely like slamming on the brakes to the family routine. Praying he's back to himself soon.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Taste of Summer

We've been spoiled with mid 60's blue skies and sunshine while it seems the rest of the US is in a snow and ice storm. Abby had her first meet of the season last Sunday. Completely botched both her vaults which dropped her all around score. She did place 6th on beam though! Sent them to art camp for President's Day. Kids had dental appts. The pup was spayed yesterday. Aidan has had a MISERABLE cold. Busy like usual.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


Happy Valentine's Day! Last Sunday was church, 3 hours in the kitchen making lunches, prepping the week's meals etc. Hubs had to take his nap early and take Aidan to his basketball game because Abby had mock competition practice. Wasn't able to get them registered for this next swimming session :-( Aidan had molds taken for a new retainer he has to wear at night.
Had to take Friday off to take my mom for colonoscopy/biopsies. Hoping and praying not a 3rd reoccurrence of colon cancer.
Had a fabulous Valentine's Day having hubby home. More gymnastics, take out, and the Sound of Music.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Been under the weather this week so just chugging along. Abby's class performed at Chapel on Wed so I was late to work. It was AMAZING to see these 2nd grade boys embrace each other while singing worship songs. I was instantly moved to tears. Once I got to work I had to leave to go pick them up (early release). Was late on Thursday because we had our first dog training session. Kona is 5 month old now!
Friday night Abby had a friend sleep over.  They were busy with movies, eating, painting on canvas, make up, nails, more eating, more movies, giggles and late night whispers. Today we took her friend home, Hubs took Aidan to a bday party, I took Abby to gym, came home for her to change and dropped her off at horse lessons. It was her last one- lots of tears. Made me cry too. My heart is breaking for her.