Saturday, November 29, 2014


That is the theme for this week. I was (still am???) a bundle of high strung stress. My neck and shoulders are a constant dull ache from being so tense (plus we need a new mattress). Work. Kids were off school all week which meant coming with me to work. Month end. We did see Santa. Having NO CLUE what we were doing for Thanksgiving until the day before. The new puppy and all the added time that consumes. Shuttling kids. LISTS. Both kids have colds AGAIN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. WITH THAT SAID, I am truly thankful for the chaos. It just wouldn't be "us" without it. It took me three evenings but I got our fake tree decorated BEFORE Thanksgiving. We ended up eating out with my mom on Turkey Day and none of us ordered Turkey. Aidan played football with his friends in the morning.
We ate our traditional dinner on Friday like we have the past 9 years or maybe this was number 10. There were no deals to be had this year but we did venture out because some things I needed (not a must have) like my lotion and ahem... some bras. The lines were atrocious so it was a big flop. Basically just came home. Went grocery shopping today at 7am, ran errands, got the kids' live tree. I'm boiling the turkey carcass and we're getting ready to watch the Civil War game. Tomorrow is church and running home to let the dogs out then going back to church for  some training (we've been asked to volunteer in the new resource center), and then Abby has gym all afternoon. Just like that four days off are done. POOF.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Puppy Love

I never in my life seen a more easy-going laid back puppy than this one. From night one she sleeps through the night in her crate and we don't have to take her out. She does all her business outside. She is such a sweetheart and a wonderful additional to our circus.  We made it to a belated bday dinner for hubs, Abby had riding lessons, hubby had to rescue a bird there who was trapped in horse hair, Aidan had some black and blue/swollen fingers but we are hoping they are fine, all the Christmas stuff is out just need the trees.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

This happened.

Yesterday. Abby named her Kona. Cooper is scared of her and not too thrilled.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Mama Down.

Last year we didn't get sick. At All. Maybe some sniffles but we skated by. This school year Abby has already been sick twice, we had Aidan's ordeal last week and this week it was my turn. All I've done is sleep and sit around and most likely infected all my coworkers. Thursday was a *snow* day but wait...we had no snow. Typical PNW. Those East Coasters are having a good laugh. Abby started riding lessons.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Happy November!! Time change last week made Monday morning a bit crazy. Monday night Aidan decided to have a bout of croup lasting until 330am. I was nervous it was going to entail another ER run for steroids especially by myself with hubs at work I didn't want to have wake up Abby and drag her too. So with very little sleep and a very sick boy I had to call in sick and keep him home. Got him in the dr late Tuesday for liquid steroids and more inhaler meds. Was hoping he outgrew the asthma but he failed the puff test.  Friday was hubby's bday. He had Donut's for Dad's in Aidan's class where Dad's come in every Friday and bring donuts and talk about their careers. We then picked up coffee and I dropped him off for a surprise hot stone massage. I did a little Christmas shopping while waiting for him and then we had lunch. Abby had gym today and then she's going to the movies with a friend and another sleepover. Hubs took Aidan to see the movie while we were at gym. I'm having to work all afternoon :-(