We were in Bend last week for a few days. Nice to get out of town for a bit. We did some shopping or actually I did. Picked up a few gifts for Christmas. Kids got to ride bikes, scooters, swim, ride a horse, golf, hike through a lava tube. Came home the Mt. Hood side to use our Sharing Spree Coupon on the Alpine Slide- soooooo fun. I can't wait to go back. Went to the State Fair Monday. Or tried to. Aidan barfed as soon as we paid to get in. We turned around and drove home. That didn't pan out too well.
Was hard to go back to work after 6 days off with my babies. I'm sad. I finally started to feel better on Sunday. I was miserable a few days. Still not sure if it's my gall bladder or anxiety induced or something else. Still having a few issues...
Had supply night/meet the teacher this week. Very happy with the kids' teachers and classmates. I really love love love their school. Kids went on their last field trip of the summer- bowling and then today they had a water balloon fight. Weekend consists of me working (it's month end) and cleaning house. BLAH.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Week 11 Part I
Aidan started his Kindergarten soccer team. Poor kid we went from Gymnastics straight to soccer- he was wiped. He had his indoor soccer again this morning. Kids are getting their back to school haircuts today since our hairdresser is going to Hawaii for 3 weeks. Few pictures of the week so far.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Week 10 part II
Kids skipped gymnastics today in favor of time with Grandma. Grandma took the day off and we went to breakfast and did more school shopping. We are so blessed by her generosity. Still not feeling that great- I have no idea what is going on and I definitely have a high level of anxiety right now. Top that off with an HR incident of drug dealing and 'bullying' at work last week and I'm pretty off kilter. Looking forward to getting out of town soon in hopes of finding some calm.
Aidan lost his first tooth today. Bittersweet. My last 'first' lost tooth.
Kids had another sleepover in Aidan's room earlier. I try to take pictures of them (if I have my act together) on field trip days as a precaution... what they are wearing etc. Why yes... I am a little overbearing.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Week 10!!!
Abby is excited for school to start, Aidan is indifferent, and me, I am in denial. I feel like I didn't get any time with them this summer which in turn conjures up all kinds of feelings about being a working mom and 'missing' out. I've had a new kind of anxiety creep up which so far has been diagnosed as "globus" of the throat. So uh yeah....I'm trying prilosec for 4 weeks and then if that doesn't help I get to visit with ENT. Between that, my sore foot and missing my kids I pretty much cry at the drop of a hat- putting away the vacuum, walking up the stairs, driving... you name it I'm crying. We missed church on Sunday because we were supposed to go to the beach but we were never on the same page about it so it didn't happen. I went to Barre and we took the kids to get donuts and they swam most of the day. Today Rick skipped Aidan's soccer and took them to the summer movie express so the kids could see Arthur Christmas. I have a meal delivery tonight and kids will probably swim some more or ride bikes. We took them to the park the other night after bike riding in their jammies. Kids go to Out of this World Pizza for a field trip on Thursday. Not for pizza-just for the huge play structure!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Week 9 Summer = Twenty Something Days Left
When we were in the routine of school I kept thinking once summer comes our schedule will settle down and we'll have more TIME. None of that happened. NONE. It's August and we still haven't pressured washed the patio and I haven't even pulled ONE WEED. Not one and school starts in 25 days!! And you know nothing gets done when schools starts because of football soccer, swimming, gymnastics, homework. Had Sunday school duty, we dropped meals off for my cousin, pool time, Aidan's soccer Monday, Abby had a private session for gym on Tuesday which she LOVES and ballet is now a distant memory. Aidan rode his bike without training wheels, kids had a sleepover in Aidan's room (apparently Abby's room is off limits), kids went to a jump place for field trip... work as usual blah blah and the house needs to be cleaned.

Friday, August 3, 2012
Week 8 Summer
School supply shopping done. Both kids each have a list, plus they both have one for daycare so we have 4 lists. I tried to start on it a week ago and was completely overwhelmed. I think we needed 16 glue sticks and some had to be a certain size, and some only clear. I couldn't handle it. And when you stand there too long trying to not freak out and take it all in, you get the urge to poop so then you might as well just leave. Which is what happened. Plus the pricing. I mean, I want the 25 cent crayons not the 39 cent crayons and GO FIGURE my cheapy husband says, "it's only 14 cents" so you can tell how much he LOVES school shopping if he didn't care about the price. I basically made him do the rest of it which included a joint trip to Target, Fred Meyer, Staples and then him on his own back to Staples, Target and Fred Meyer to return the extra that I bought too much of because I can't count. Nor do I know what grade Abby is in apparently because I started going off the first grade list and she's going into SECOND grade. I'm a rockstar Mother. Abby had Church camp this week. The theme was Olympics. She had a water play day, field trips to Taekwondo, Ice Skating and Gymnastics. On the last day when they handed out comment cards, she wrote something they could improve was to make the water warmer. It wasn't very warm out the day they donned swim suits. Rick and Aidan had 1/1 time for 3 days which consisted of school supply shopping, bike riding, basketball, more school supply shopping, going out to lunch and more basketball. Weekend is gymnastics and cooking meals to bring to my cousin. I forsee lots of pool time for the kiddos and a chair with me and a book in it.
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith." Hebrews 12: 1-2
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith." Hebrews 12: 1-2
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