When I went into the bathroom this morning after I got done running I smelled a strong odor of dog poo and Cooper was at the vet this week so I thought maybe his system was out of wack and he had an accident. I searched all over and came up with nothing. I even asked Abby to help. Later the kids and I went downstairs to get them breakfast and I smelled it again downstairs so I looked all over and still nothing. Then I panicked a little and thought maybe it was me that smelled (even after I showered).
Here is the texting conversation between me and my husband:
Me: Did Cooper poop somewhere in the house last night (thinking maybe Rick got up or he saw it before he left for work)
Rick: no idea does it stinkMe: yes it stinks (um duh?)
Rick: did you find anything?Me: No (??? didn't I just ask you if he pooped?)
and then
Me: (just for clarification)
why would you ask me if it stinks and if I found anything when I am the one who asked YOU if he pooped. I mean if I found something I don't think we would be having this conversation?????? That was the most confusing conversation ever. He can even tune me out when I text him. COME ON. DOES IT STINK AND DID I FIND ANYTHING???? How about, "No honey it doesn't stink I just woke up and randomly wondered to myself if Cooper pooped in the house and thought I would text you and ask. No reason. Have a good day."
Oh well, we had a good laugh.
Anyway, Cooper had his teeth cleaned on Tuesday. You know, the kind where they have to put them under. I asked Rick, why does he need his teeth cleaned? Especially when he doesn't even really like the dog. (I know WHY- my cat had it done all the time) But.... he is only two. And probably for the first 8 weeks of his life (I don't know?) he was nursing. AND THEN... he lost his puppy teeth so technically the teeth in his mouth are less than two years old. He eats dry dog food, which he doesn't even chew. He gulps it down. AND he gets bones- you know to help with the tarter that doesn't exist because he inhales his food. Husband replies the cleaning is FREE. It is included with the 'plan' we pay each month to get discounted vet services. Obviously he wants this free dental cleaning he's got coming. Apparently, in a few select animals they have to give them meds when they are coming out of it to help their heart rate get back up. Naturally, this would apply to our dog. Well Coop didn't do so hot recovering and kept me up ALL NIGHT. He was still unsteady and falling over at 1 am nearly 12 hours later. He refused water, wouldn't pee at 1am, or 5am or 7:30am. I had to go to work so he was left in his kennel. I decided to ditch work at lunch and drive home and he finally turned the corner.
Thankfully it is not me that smells, he had a huge accident this evening. HUGE. New carpet has been on my wish list for awhile now so I think we need to start looking.