Monday, June 27, 2011

Blah Blah Blah

Annual garage sale is DONE. We only did it on Friday instead of both days. Poor Rick, this is the 2nd or 3rd year he's been stuck putting the whole thing together. He told me no more after this one! He gets days off during the week that I don't so... it's on him. Speaking of him, he finished ripping up the dead grass and spread the dirt. On top of all this manual labor, he ran a whopping 24 miles last week. And who got the massage on Saturday morning? Yep, me.
We booked a little trip to San Diego to take the kids to Sea World, Zoo and Legoland. In other news, we went to a park in our town that we'd never been to, went to Rick's brother's retirement party, we saw Cars2 and had a family photo shoot with MckMama, waited in line for 40 minutes at Voodoo donuts, hit Saturday market and went to John's Incredible Pizza. It was a FULL weekend complete with giving them blow up bats to beat each other with. I'm thoroughly enjoying hubs taking 2 Saturday's off in a row. We get to have 'normal' weekends!

I think she was tired ???



new level front yard! still missing a shrub and have to move a few plants

pizza fun

I think daddy had fun

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Our sweet, Compassion sponsored child in Kenya. She's had a growth spurt!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

...And These are the Day of our Lives...

Hubs hurt his hand and went to the doctor. We thought he had trigger finger but it's his Ulnar Nerve. Doc said ice and rest. That same night I caught him working on his landscape project. He is shoveling the dead grass he killed. Project is the wall there on the right- he is making the front yard more level. Next up is get the dead grass out, fill in with lots of dirt, re-seed and move some plants.

First Day of Summer!!! Yayyyyyyy

My culinary creation of smoked salmon hash and poached eggs

Psycho Cooper got shaved today. I was hoping he wouldn't have the lion mane like he did last year but I still see a little mane there.

Apparently he wanted to live out his BMX dream on a 12" Dora Bike.

Before shave. Herding down the stairs- biting my toes. Yes, this happens daily and if it not's toes it's your thighs.

Kids finally planted their seeds in their pots from Jessica from Easter

Random I know... Ashley got me this for Mother's Day. It just captures it all...


Breakfast with Papa for Father's Day

Rick wanted to see a movie, ride bikes and take a nap for Father's Day. He got about a 10 min nap, we saw Mr. Popper's Penguins and did bike riding on Monday. Abby rode again without training wheels and at one point declared, "I am giving up bike riding FOREVER."
I'm fairly certain the drama comes from her dad.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Ants Go Marching Two By Two...

Finally...a reprieve from the ants. Goodbye suckas and good riddance. Tuesday I left work early because the ant people were coming therefore Rick couldn't leave to take Abby to her 1st grade tutoring lesson. We signed up for this weekly 1/1 summer lesson with a first grade teacher who was quite impressed saying Abby is at 2nd grade level. That is great and all but now I'm a little concerned about her being bored when school starts. I even bought those summer activity workbooks for the kids- Abby LOVES it. She will sit down in the morning and do a few pages, work on it as soon as she gets home and Aidan... well... he pitched a big fit just to do one page.
Tuesday evening I hosted a dinner playdate with their little friends. Aidan's best buddy Jake, his mom grew up with Abby's friend Sam. They had a great time and us Mama's got a few social hours in. Thursday I came down with a migraine and left work early- headed straight for the couch and slept a good hour before I had to get the kids. Friday I left work early again because well... everyone else did. I know. The peer pressure.

Our kids are little peanuts next to their friends!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Wow. Just Wow.

This picture does my heart good right now. She's quite the reader- and hey she can take over reading bedtime stories now. Kidding. So.... the whole Michael's craft store hacker situation affected us and someone snagged $400 out of our account this weekend. I am now without a debit card for 10 days- not that I need it. Well except for my copay at the eye dr this morning, I'm pretty sure it would have come in handy. And... as if that weren't bad enough, we have carpenter ants. I don't even want to go to home. The bug people are coming tomorrow to collect their huge, over-priced payment for spraying outside, inside, and all over.
On a brighter note, I can't think of anything else to whine about.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Moving Up and Out

Abby moves up to 1st grade at Church this Sunday. Ashley flew the coop and we had a special visit with Jessica! Aidan had a piano recital and Abby finished Kindergarten....

Church Graduation

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

You're not welcome 'round these parts...

Woke up this morning with news of a bear at the elementary school. I wasn't too happy considering my unusual freakish, VERY freakish fear of bears. Some people are scared of clowns, snakes, flying, spiders etc. I happen to be a little lot scared of bears. Apparently it takes five hours and cancellation of school (instead of the delayed opening) to have just the right conditions in order to tranquilize the darn thing. Rick asked me if I wanted to move. To a high rise condo. My answer was yes.