Saturday, March 28, 2009

Long Live the Ninny

Remember my blog post last year about Ninny's? Maybe not. I wouldn't expect you to. When Abby was little (learning how to talk stage), she would have those little raisin boxes for snack time. For some reason she called them Ninny's. It stuck. Raisin Bran was called Ninny Bran, Ninny Toast, Ninny bagels. Along came Aidan, and well.... raisins are Ninny's to him too.

The kids were supposed to get pictures today at 4pm. The place calls me around 2 and cancels... so my one big outing for the day was kaput. Dreary rainy Saturday with two kids on the mend from the previous week's illnesses... 3:20ish rolls around and the kids are snacking on Yogurt Covered Ninny's. I am RIGHT THERE when my son has one in his hand, we are both looking at it, and low and behold he pulls a houdini. The next thing I know he is pointing to his nose saying owie Mama. What just happened? I cannot fathom. Certainly no child of mine would stick a foreign object up their nose. Yeah, well it was up there- and up there good. So good that I caught a glimpse of it one minute and it was gone the next. I have Abby change out of her princess fashion ensemble, get Aidan out of his jammies (I never changed his clothes today) and pack them up for urgent care. I call Rick at work, tell him I am taking his son to urgent care and why- and he starts laughing. Laughing. The good thing about going to urgent care so late on a Saturday: no lines and Grandma works weekends. We get right in, the dr. checks his lungs and ears since he's been sick. She still hears wheezing (sigh). She gets to his nose, and says she sees it and can get it with forceps. I brace his head, she tells Rick he needs to hold him down too. Thankfully she got it. The yogurt was all melted off. Yum. And, bless her heart she asked me if I wanted to keep it for his baby book. I love a woman who thinks like I do. I declined in case you are wondering, however, I would have taken a picture had I not broken my camera lens.

There you have it. I remain ill-equipped to be raising a boy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We are now the proud owners...

of a nebulizer.
Can I just say what a doozy this past week has been. Just when I thought we did relatively good this season with all the viruses etc. We got hit hard! As most of you know, when these Jenkins kids get sick, they don't mess around. THEY GET SICK. Aidan's turn at the dr today. He had a very rough night last night- I was concerned about pneumonia- with his fever and inability to clear the congestion after a coughing spell. He ended up getting a nebulizer treatment at the dr office. No chest xray needed. He's now on amox for another 21 DAYS. Yes, 21. TWENTY-ONE days of antibiotics. Combine that with 10 days that he finished last do the math. I'm too tired (kidding... or am I?) So now we are trying to figure out the rest of the week- who is staying home, who is working what, splitting days etc.
Please pray for him to be well, for his body to get rest, for his fever to go away, for his wheezing to cease. Speaking of wheezing, his dr also thinks he might have asthma... but we'll cross that bridge later.

Our new nebulizer was delivered this evening. Home delivery.

ps. Abby is fever free and on day 2 of meds. Hallelujah
pss I broke my Nikon 18-55mm lens. sad :-(
Please continue to lift baby Stellan and his family up in prayer

Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday Monday

First and foremost, I ask you to please pray for baby Stellan

I reluctantly left the kids this morning and went to work. It's hard to leave them when they are sick. Even though they are in Rick's very capable hands, mommy wants to be near. Abby ended up needing a chest xray today. Double ear infection. Day 5 of fever. Fell asleep at 4pm.

Otter Pop for dinner

Don't ask. Linus is at it again. He still has a fever too

Guest room has furniture. Harvest Brown is a great color!

More of the head owie

Saturday, March 21, 2009

This is what

you look like with a high fever and your wonderful, doting inconsiderate mother doesn't cancel the Saturday morning scheduled hair cuts and packs you up to go.

This is what you look like after getting your hair done and the ibuprofen knocks your 102/103 temp down a scootch. (All girls like to get a little pampering right?) Just look at the transformation!

Aidan before hair cut

After. The head wound is healing and now just looks like a permanent ink line

and to round out our Saturday Aidan is now with fever. SIGH.

Friday, March 20, 2009

March Madness

I stayed home with Abby girl yesterday- she had a temp and a cough. Rick stayed home with her today so I could get back to work. Her temp this evening was over 102. She was asking to go to bed after 6pm. Poor thing! I'm hoping she turns the corner soon. Aidan just finished his round of meds for his sinus infection and now he started coughing today. Hope he isn't getting what she has.

....and go round and round and round in the circle game.

I was hoping to get 20 miles in this week but I have shin splints so bad I think I'm just going to end on 17 and crawl in bed with a bowl of ice cream.

You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.
Acts 2:28

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sick Day Today

He is pretending to be sick too

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

Head... meet baseboard.

Poor kid can't catch a break. He smacked it good. Ironically, he hit the very same spot on the very same baseboard when he was much smaller, maybe 7 months old? he smacked his mouth causing much blood. Tonight the head.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I don't know

this family but please pray for them. They were pregnant with 6 babies. They lost one boy earlier in the week, and then another boy a few days later. Then all 4 were born and didn't make it. Looks like 20 weeks gestation.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The many reasons

for this post. 1) he is not potty trained 2) he DOES like balls and trucks 3) he really is Linus. The blanket goes everywhere.

Update for the week... We are all sick except for Abby (knock on wood)!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I give you...

My bubble bellied, blanket-loving, doll carrying, high heel shoe wearing baby boy.
ps. Me-Me doesn't know about the doll

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ode to Daddy

In some homes, mine being one of them, daddy is the all out favorite. There are many reasons for this, the first being he's a big play toy. The second, he's a big softie. All they have to do is throw in a 'pa-weeeeeseeeee daddy' or "peas da-ya" and he's a goner. Include a little sign language at the same time and you might get him to tear up and go out and buy you a pony or a race car.
I am strict. I discipline. And, according to my four-year-old daughter, "I ruin all the fun."
It makes me laugh because I think of how mom's used to threaten (maybe they still do?) with the "Just wait until your father gets home..." speech, and I can't use that one. If I ever pulled that on my kids, they would woop and holler and say yipppeee how much longer??? is he here yet?

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Who determined that the clocks move forward precisely at 2am? and why 2am? and on a Sunday no less which makes your Sunday shorter and your Monday- ugh don't get me started. And... did you know the highest rate of accidents are on Monday morning after the time changes? True. I turned our clocks forward this morning. Yes, people on Saturday morning. ohhhhh what rebellion. I skipped the kid's morning snack and fed them lunch at 10:30 am. Well technically 11:30. Aidan's nap went fine. They ate dinner like normal and were in bed at seven eight. So... here's hoping our Sunday will be "normal." Now that we got the time change out of the way, we will be at church promptly at seven eight. This isn't the first time I've done this- it just works for us. Genius right?
So if you are wondering about the six-to-nine-month painting project. We actually slapped some paint on the new guest room tonight. Yes, you heard me. I said WE. The color is harvest brown but on the wall it looks green. I'm not sure what to make of it yet. Our bedroom still needs lot of touch up but the color is on.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This is what happens...

when your sister plows into you at warp speed while you are holding a hard cover book.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday Monday

Wow what a day... and it's not done yet. Just wanted to pop on here to let y'all know that he did, in fact eventually eat his egg salad sandwich. I know you've been bursting with curiosity.